We all want the same thing, don’t we?

To live a life in alignment with our soul’s purpose while also enjoying the meaningful pleasures of being alive and walking this earth.

With confidence and without any more (inner and outer) struggles than necessary.

That isn’t too much too ask? Is it?

I don’t think it is…

About Linda Coussement

More than eighteen years ago, I started my journey toward personal development and spiritual growth and I’ve never regretted anything less. I love feeling as Alive (with a capital A!) as I feel and today, I teach others how they, too, can experience that inner growth and confidence while living lives they absolutely love.

It’s been an arduous path to get to where I am today, and the lessons have been tremendous, but if you would only take away one thing from your visit to my website, let it be this:

The only way to it, is through it.

What I mean by this is that the positive transformation we seek through self-discovery involves facing challenges and overcoming obstacles. It requires perseverance and even a certain stubbornness to not just face your shadows and painful life experiences but to embrace them as opportunities for growth and healing.

But, though the work isn’t easy, that doesn’t mean you have to stumble through the dark figuring out what to do and where to start.

That’s where I can help!

My Mission

Through question-based online courses, philosophical insights, and my novel, I guide people to explore their mind, heart, body, and soul, helping them embrace life's complexities, connect with their true selves, and live lives rich with beauty and meaning aligned with their unique purpose.

My Story

A few years into my career as a corporate business consultant, I bumped headfirst into a wall with a flashy neon sign that may have permanently imprinted on my retinas by repeatedly blinking the question: “Is this everything?”

I had the health. The house. The car. The career I enjoyed. The relationships. The fun. I had everything. And yet, there was no denying the existential black hole in my soul. 

But where to go? What to do? How to find it? And Holy Hell!

Step one, I figured, was to get rid of what was not working in my life. Uncomfortable but so effective that it’s become part of my life’s philosophy.

Step two was to figure out what I did want because, slowly, a sense of blurry, vaporous, and out-of-reach purpose was taking shape. So I continued working on freelance consulting projects to keep my intellect stimulated and my mortgage paid and frantically grabbed hold of anything else I could find.

  • I solo-traveled to 46 countries

  • Taught two types of yoga (Kundalini and Sivananda Hatha)

  • Volunteered on more than a few social projects

  • Studied the metaphysical concepts of meaningful relations and non-duality

  • Did numerous courses, training programs, and worked closely with a mentor

  • Helped co-found a sustainable mobility startup

  • Painted abstracts and photographed impressions

  • Created a business called ‘From Startup to Growup’

  • Traveled around Europe for a year and asked >100 people around the question: “How is it to be you?”

  • Created a business called ‘How It Is to Be You’

  • I even spent some time on the thought experiment “How to make world peace possible?”

Though A LOT of fun, none of these initiatives solved my existential puzzle. None of them were it. Not until the lightning strike idea for my novel CONTRAST hit me.

When the novel was written…
the world’s weight lifted and my soul’s unrest quieted.

It took me eight years to go from idea to published novel. Eight wonderfully tumultuous and educational years! Of course, I didn’t spend all that time writing and editing, but the book did four important things for me:

  • It gave me a clear direction and a way to channel my life’s purpose

  • It enabled me to express what I always wanted to express but could never find the right medium for

  • It helped me heal my residual hurts by processing my emotions alongside my characters (and they go through it :)

  • It gave me clarity and space to develop my philosophy that in order to live a life filled with growth, transformation, deeper connection, and ultimately self-actualisation, one needs to finds balance and acceptance in the contrasting realities of life, and embrace both pain and joy

What writing my book also taught me was WHY my previous efforts had NOT given me this sense of peace

Though I’ve loved all my adventures and wouldn’t ever want to exchange them - because they made me who I am today - I do think my path didn’t have to be quite as strenuous and ‘roadblocky’ as it has been. Looking back, I now realise I what happened:

  • On more than one occasion, I had hoped for it (yoga for example), to be it
    Though yoga is a beautiful technique and a calling for some, it was only a stepping stone for me

  • Most courses and training I did, only solved part of the puzzle (for me)
    My brain likes to see the bigger picture before zooming in and no-one was able to help me construct it given my unique personality and life

  • Most courses and training I did, only approached personal growth from one perspective
    I believe that the mind, the heart, the soul, and the body need to be in balance for exponential growth to occur

  • I absolutely abhor the dogmas, false promises, and leader/follower structures so prevalent in the personal development world
    We are all unique beings who need unique approaches to personal growth, not a one-size-fits-all method

My 6 Teaching Principles

Personal growth is a lifelong journey, so let’s also enjoy ourselves while we’re on it

Gaining experience is more important than wanting the illusion of immediate result

Growth requires a holistic approach addressing mind, heart, soul, and body

Flexibility is essential to ensure a person’s path can be customised to them

Uniqueness and individuality are to be encouraged and embraced

I prioritize self-discovery in students through a question-based approach

I’ve been on a long journey and it’s taken me through some twists and turns… Do I still struggle? Yes of course, I’m human after all! But…

  • I live in alignment with my soul’s purpose

  • I embody my truth but am never afraid (or insulted) to be wrong or learn something new

  • I feel confident and empowered when exploring new ventures, hobbies, and places (which I do constantly)

  • I have no issues holding my personal boundaries in any situation

  • There’s calm in my mind much more often than there is noise

  • Events or people that annoy me, no longer get me emotionally upset (though exceptions do exist…)

  • My relationships have become all the more meaningful, and most importantly,

  • No matter what, I’m happy to be me!

Take action and create your own version of a meaningfully fulfilled life.
Learn to be happy being you!

It’s definitely not too much to ask.

My Core Values

  • Integrity: I am deeply committed to live and breathe with integrity in relation to myself and to others.

  • Connection: I value meaningful relationships with others and strive to connect with people on a deeper level.

  • Empathy: I always strive to see the world from other people's perspectives and feel compassion for others.

  • Personal growth: I am constantly striving to learn and grow as a person.

  • Authentic expression: I value being true to myself and expressing myself authentically.

My Photography

Both my writing and photography force me to look inward. To uncover the shadows, the frictions, and the shame. They have unveiled an inner beauty I don't dare admit to, released a new level of empowered femininity, and helped me find meaning in the mundane.

There are other layers to the self-portraits too, because initially they felt like a vanity. And besides, we all know I'm not photogenic enough. Nor skinny enough. Nor young enough... The portraits force me to break through the preconceived notions and patterns of how I see myself. And they help heal that young girl who came of age in the era of 'heroin chic' and who is only now shedding the idea of having to be that too.

Ultimately, this journey of self-discovery is what I wish to inspire in readers and students. To wonder what is holding them back and what could push them forward. If anything, I hope to help people recognize the universal themes that bind us—love, loss, resilience, and the pursuit of meaning.